AI Resume Builder

Tailor Your Resume for Every Job

Get you dream job in 90 days!

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AI Resume Writer

Employers cannot reject a Resume that ticks all the boxes.

How can employers reject candidates who possess all the skills and experience they need? With our AI Resume Writer, your resume will be customized to match each and every job.

Asian woman using a computer to write her resume and tailor it to match the job description with an AI Resume Builder

Job Match Analyzer

Know what employers seek, transform into their ideal candidate.

After uploading the job description, our AI springs into action, delivering a precise match score and a detailed breakdown of keywords, duties, and essential hard and soft skills for your application.

Smiling Asian girl analyzing job description to match requirements, soft skills, and hard skills using an Resume3.0, pleased with her high compatibility score

AI Interview Coach

Step Out of the Interview Room with a Smile, Every Time

Radiate confidence and achieve performance excellence. Our AI Coach supplies you with a vast question bank and sharp, AI-formulated responses, empowering you to shine in every interview encounter.

Confident Asian woman answering questions during a job interview with an AI-generated interview cheat sheet visible

Never Miss Dream Job Opportunity Again!

✓ No Credit Card✓ Welcome Credit✓ Daily Free Credit

8 Proven Steps to get your dream job

The path to employment can be challenging, but with our expert guidance at every stage, you're set for a winning journey.


Search a job

Set preferences and let our AI engine bring tailored job listings straight to you.

Screenshot of the Resume 3.0 platform's job search feature, highlighting the user-friendly interface for personalized job matching


Analysis the job description

Our AI dissects job descriptions, pinpointing key skills and requirements for your success.

Job description analysis feature on Resume 3.0, where users receive detailed compatibility insights for a targeted job opening


Write Resume

AI-driven content creation aligns your resume with job-specific keywords and requirements.

Resume 3.0's AI-driven resume customization, synchronizing the user's resume with job-specific keywords and requirements


Write Cover Letter

Craft compelling cover letters with our AI, tailored to echo the job's unique demands.

Resume 3.0's cover letter creation feature in action, crafting personalized letters for job applications


Export and Apply

Turn your resume into a PDF, send it off easily, and wait for your interview invite.

Exporting a resume as a PDF through Resume 3.0, simplifying the job application process


Prepare Interview

Access a curated question bank and AI-personalized answers to prep for your interviews.

Resume 3.0 interview prep with a question bank and AI-tailored answers


Research the Company

Stay informed and ready with a comprehensive checklist for in-depth company research.

Resume 3.0's checklist tool for thorough company research


Get an offer!

Use Resume 3.0 to tailor your resume, apply with confidence, and get ready to ace that interview and secure the offer!

Illustration of a man receiving a job offer, capturing the moment of success with Resume 3.0

All Your Applications, One Simple View

Manage and monitor your job search with ease, all from our streamlined, all-in-one dashboard.

Resume 3.0 Dashboard Screen Shot

Only the best jobs deserve your limited life' work time.

✓ No Credit Card✓ Welcome Credit✓ Daily Free Credit

Who use Resume 3.0 ?


Opportunity Hunter

Job Timeline: No Target

Daily Resume Sent: 0-1 resumes

I'm currently employed, yet I'm keenly looking for a step up; mentally, I’m prepared and on the lookout for a more fulfilling and higher-paying role.


Strategic Planner

Job Timeline: 3-4 months

Daily Resume Sent: 1 resumes

Although I'll be leaving my job soon, in my head, I've already left; I'm mentally mapping out my next move and counting on landing a new job in four months.


Fast Tracker

Job Timeline: 1-2 months

Daily Resume Sent: 2-3 resumes

Being jobless is challenging, but I'm setting my sights on a quick turnaround; I'm intensely focused on securing a new job within the next two months.


Urgent Job Seeker

Job Timeline: ASAP

Daily Resume Sent: 10 resumes

Unemployment has stretched on for months, and it's taking a toll; every day is spent with a growing sense of urgency to find a job as soon as possible.

What our satisfied users are saying

Absolutely stellar! Resume 3.0's holistic suite made my job hunt in Hong Kong a breeze—top-notch resume customization, spot-on job matches, and interview prep that gave me the confidence to succeed. It's a job seeker's best ally!

Jackson Lee, Digital Marketing Manager, Hong Kong

Blimey, Resume 3.0 is the bee's knees! The job analysis alone is worth its weight in gold. It's like having a personal career advisor—sorted me right out and got me a cracking job in London's finance sector!

Olivia Brown, Financial Analyst, UK

Resume 3.0 is a game-changer, y'all! From the heart of Texas, I landed my tech dream job. Their AI is like a smart buddy, helping you tailor your resume and prep for interviews. This platform is going places!

Ethan Carter, Software Engineer, USA

I'm gobsmacked by how Resume 3.0 has transformed my job search in New York. The platform's intuitive features made it possible to track my applications and hone my interview skills. It's an absolute godsend!

Sophia Johnson, Product Manager, USA

As a fresh grad in Hong Kong, Resume 3.0 was my lifeline. It demystified the daunting world of job hunting with its user-friendly interface and actionable insights. Landed my first gig faster than I could've hoped!

Chloe Wong, UX Designer, Hong Kong

Resume 3.0 is the dog's bollocks! From Manchester, I've navigated the job market with ease. Their AI-driven approach to applications and interviews is nothing short of revolutionary. It's the ultimate job-hunting toolkit!

Liam Taylor, Operations Manager, UK

Job Search Tips

Get Interviews From

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I sent 60 resumes in 5 weeks. Then I got 18 interviews and 6 offers.

Mimi Chu, Early test users

Resume 3.0 Test user - Mimi Chu

Success Rate

This data is count by latest 90 days. Update at 26 Aug, 2024


Average Jobs Applied per User


Average ATS Enhancement Rate


Application—Interviews Rate


Interviews—Offers Rate

Create a resume that actually gets you interviews!

Not now, then when? Don't put your dreams on hold—take the first step to a brighter career with Resume 3.0 today!

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